You are doing such interesting work here! Looking forward to listening.

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Thank you!

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Why did he give a grant to Kendi and predominantly funds leftist “geniuses”?

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This man’s salary is comprised of nearly identical funding sources as those which are crippling the university environment. Beyond the less incendiary topic of “equity,” that there was virtually no mention of the chronic, intentional failings and fraud in medical journals and other once hallowed productions of graduate and research schools, fraud which is the purposeful consequence of the way research and curricula (and criteria, goal setting, cultural creation, and setting parameters of virtue in a culture, literally) gets funded, whereby billion dollar corporations (and some notable individuals) have virtually bought universities much the way our governments are also the property of, the handmaidens of these private, billion dollar to trillion dollar interest groups, corporations. Our educations and culture have been bought. This man can’t give you an answer as to why there is such a failing (as he himself admitted!) any more than a Pfizer executive wants to admit why the shots didn’t prevent transmission, and why proven, effective, affordable treatments were suppressed and maligned….they're completely absorbed by the complicated (although not overly) matrix that is collapsing even the most basic standards and logic that would seem to govern free-thinking, hallowed halls of study and human development. They’re also paid heavily in terms of salary and prestige by the very forces that are collapsing these more noble institutions of human endeavor in this epoch of humanity. If you want to interview people who will actually propose real, intriguing theories in answer to your clever questions, you’ll offend a lot of people! You’ll be nervous, yourself! Just the fact that January 6th was even mentioned as opposed to the Orwellian cancel culture, censorship, and even the democratic party’s own role in whatever they’re now claiming is the most concerning problem of our times, the infamous Orange Man and his brigade of scary (uneducated, obese, ineffective) “supremacists,” is a sign of exactly how “deep” such a personage, whether the first or the seventh iteration of him (and he’s really not at all original, yikes! I could have stepped in to give the same evasive answers with the same assertive and yet noncommittal tone….This is the head of “genius” in our country?) can go. That is, no deeper than a paid shill on CNN or any other media network all paid by the same conglomerates. It would be much fun to hear you ask just about anyone else these questions, but especially some people who would make everyone edgy and nervous. Tiptoeing around a mediocre if not entirely failed culture is exactly the kind of “conversation” that perpetuates the fantasy that there aren’t real answers to be had, that feeds the very mediocrity and collapse it purports to challenge.

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